Donna Winfrey

Title: President
Location: Houston, TX
Member since: Jan 13, 2018
Winfrey Real Estate & Development


Houston, TX
Phone Numbers:
(713) 377-6166

My Markets

United States
Metro Areas:
Houston TX

Concentration Areas

Buyer Representation, Corporate Real Estate, Development, Investment Sales, Landlord Representation, Leasing, Seller Representation, Site Selection, Sublease, Tenant Representation, Zoning
Property Types:
MultiFamily Apartments, Tax Credit Housing, Medical/Healthcare, Office Condominium, Multi Tenant Office, Single Tenant Office, Distribution Center, Industrial, Warehouse, Self Storage, Convenience Center, Convenience Store, Lifestyle Center, Mall, Neighborhood Center, Restaurant, Single Tenant Retail (NNN), Mixed Use, Commercial Land Development, Padsites, Residential Land Development, Hotel, Street Retail, Strip Center, Multifamily Land
Years of Experience:

Brief Profile

Commercial property owners, Investors, Buyers & Tenants receive attentive, experienced, results-oriented service, including financial feasibility & negotiation

Full Profile

For the past 2 decades, Donna Winfrey has structured financially meaningful investment sales transactions, negotiated complex corporate and retail leases, and managed the transaction process for owners, buyers, landlords and tenants of commercial real property, which occurs and continues before, during, and after the contract is signed. During her tenure with Coldwell Banker Commercial, Donna was the first woman inducted into the elite Pinnacle Society being recognized for extraordinary accomplishments on behalf of her clients. At Winfrey Real Estate & Development, a full-service Commercial Real Estate Services firm that goes Beyond the Contract® in its financial analysis, transaction management, contract negotiations, site selection, proforma analysis and due diligence endeavors. Donna is currently serving her 3rd term as a Planning and Zoning Commissioner and her 2nd term as a Member of the Industrial Appraisal Review Board. She earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Fordham University in New York City after attending the Lenox (High) School on an academic scholarship. Donna loves her work and looks forward to working with you.

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