Mary Nollenberger

Title: Director of Leasing & Investment Sales
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Member since: Sep 19, 2013
SVN | Desert Commercial Advisors


Phoenix, AZ
Phone Numbers:
(480) 748-8266
(480) 425-5520

My Markets

United States
Metro Areas:
Phoenix AZ

Concentration Areas

Brokerage Office Management, Build-to-Suit, Investment Sales, Leasing, Sublease, Tenant Representation
Property Types:
Multi Tenant Office, Single Tenant Office, Other Office, Big Box Retail, Convenience Center, Convenience Store, Gas Stations, Lifestyle Center, Mall, Neighborhood Center, Open Air Center, Outlet Center, Theme/Festival Center, Power Center, Regional Center, Super Regional Center, Restaurant, Single Tenant Retail (NNN), Mixed Use, Street Retail, Strip Center

Brief Profile

Specialties: Sale - Retail Lease - Retail Lease - Tenant Representation

Full Profile

Mary Ridberg Director of Leasing/ Sales Manager has experience in retail tenant representation, trade area feasibility, brand development, public relations, media relations, and marketing consulting. Mary has represented area developers and landlords as the senior leasing point person for the team with pre-leasing, leasing, and asset management. Mary has an extensive background with trade area research, analysis and development of a viable market plan and strategies for targeted marketing efforts, contract negotiation, execution, and reporting procedures. Mary has been responsible for site selection for local and national retail tenants including regional and national roll out and expansion strategies. Mary has presented at Phoenix market update events and ICSC events featuring retail clients whom she has represented during their expansion. Mary has organized a Retail Networking Group with members from the most active retail brokerage teams in the Phoenix market. Mary serves in the business mentorship program at A.S.U. and is a host at the college of business events. Mary has represented Mountainside Fitness in their local and regional expansion Toby Keith I Love This Bar and Grill in local and national site selection and numerous tenants involved in current national expansion.

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