Pat Delaney

Title: Principal
Location: Orange, CA
Member since: Apr 20, 2016
Lee & Associates | Orange


Orange, CA
Phone Numbers:
(714) 564-7127

My Markets

United States
Metro Areas:
Los Angeles-Orange County CA

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Buyer Representation, Financial Analyst, Investment Sales, Landlord Representation, Leasing, Sublease, Tenant Representation
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Brief Profile

Specializing in leasing and sales of user and investment properties since 1987. Successful representation of over 1,000 real estate transactions.

Full Profile

Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) CCIMs are considered the elite of commercial real estate, sharing a set of skills that puts them far ahead of the competition. The CCIM designation is granted by the Commercial Investment Real Estate Institute (CIREI). CCIMs course topics include financial analysis for commercial real estate, commercial brokerage, advanced techniques in leasing and marketing, market analysis, tax planning, decision analysis, negotiation, presentation skills, managing and marketing troubled assets, among others.

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