Mike Ferrer

Title: CCIM, MCR, Broker in Charge, Principal
Licenses: CCIM, MCR, CRE Agent #10041
Location: Mount Pleasant, SC
Email: info@ferrercrea.com
Member since: Jan 06, 2020
Ferrer Commercial Real Estate Advisors LLC

My Affiliations

  • CCIM

  • CRE

  • MCR

  • SCR

Sold/Leased Listings

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Mount Pleasant, SC
Phone Numbers:
+1(843) 800-0311
+1(843) 568-3427

My Markets

United States
Metro Areas:
Charleston SC

Concentration Areas

Acquisitions, Brokerage Office Management, Build-to-Suit, Business Broker, Buyer Representation, Consultant, Consultant, Corporate Real Estate, Due Diligence, Investment Sales, Landlord Representation, Leasing, Marketing, Seller Representation, Site Selection, Sublease, Support/Admin, Tenant Representation
Property Types:
Executive/Shared Suites, Medical/Healthcare, Office Condominium, Multi Tenant Office, Single Tenant Office, Call Center, Other Office, Truck Stops, Distribution Center, Industrial, Service Center, Energy Plant, Data Center, Factory, Warehouse, Self Storage, Other Industrial, Community Center, Hospital, Other Special Purpose, Commercial Land Development, Other Land
Years of Experience:

Brief Profile

Mike has over eighteen years of experience in Commercial Real Estate with a focus on industrial warehouses, manufacturing, office buildings and vacant land.

Full Profile

Mike Ferrer, CCIM, MCR has over eighteen years of experience in Real Estate with a focus on industrial warehouses, manufacturing, office buildings, vacant land, and commercial buildings. He earned the prestigious CCIM and MCR designations, providing Mike the education and expertise required to deal with the highest and most complex real estate transactions and commercial real estate investments. As the former President for the Charleston Trident Association of Realtors (CTAR) Commercial MLS, Mike has close ties to the local community as well as state-wide and throughout the southeast. Mike’s expertise with commercial real estate, especially with Industrial users related to Boeing and the port, provides his clients with a knowledgeable and confident resource. Mike was also the 2016 President of the South Carolina Commercial MLS. Mike attended Gettysburg College, and participated as a Collegiate Wrestler. He then attended Clemson University where he graduated in 2001 with a degree in Speech and Communications. He also was a part of the CEDA Cross Examination Debate Association. Mike is proficient in Spanish and English. Prior to Ferrer Commercial Real Estate Advisors, LLC, Mike was Broker-in-Charge at Lincoln Harris, and Vice President at Avison Young where he was responsible for the assemblage of properties and site selection data for tenant/buyer representation and development of market comparisons and evaluation in dispositions of landlord/seller representation. He earned his Certified Commercial Investment Member (CCIM) designation in 2008.

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