12th Ave NE & Rock Creek Rd, Norman, OK, 73071
12th Ave NE & Rock Creek Rd
Norman, OK 73071
Property Type:
Other LandAmount:
Last Verified:
Nov 26, 2024Daily Email Blast
0 times
16.76 Acres (entire property): $4.25/SF
2 Acres (zoned C-1): $7.50/SF
6.76 Acres (zoned C-1): $5.00/SF
8 Acres (zoned C-O): $4.00/SF
Site is located on the SE corner of 12th Ave NW & Rock Creek Rd. Daily traffic on these two roadways is over 25,000 (vehicles/day)
Commercially Zoned - North Portion of Land: C-1 (local commercial) | South Portion of Land: C-O (suburban office commercial)
Directly West of George M. Sutton Wilderness Park & Griffin Community Park
Located Near Many Amenities (restaurants, banks, grocery, retail) | Within minutes of the University of Oklahoma
Lot Size: 16.76 acres