399 Old Colony Road
399 Old Colony Rd
Norton, MA 02766
Most recently used as an adult daycare center, 399 Old Colony Road presents an opportunity for a single-tenant medical, wellness, education or retail use. The building has several ADA compliant bathrooms, large kitchen, multiple classrooms and covered drop-off/pick-up area. Great signage opportunity on Route 123 which connects Route 95 to Route 495. Close proximity to Norton Town Center and Wheaton College.
Most recently used as an adult daycare center, 399 Old Colony Road presents an opportunity for a single-tenant medical, wellness, education or retail use. The building has several ADA compliant bathrooms, large kitchen, multiple classrooms and covered drop-off/pick-up area. Great signage opportunity on Route 123 which connects Route 95 to Route 495. Close proximity to Norton Town Center and Wheaton College.
Located on Route 123 between Route 95 and 495. Close proximity to Norton Center, Wheaton College and Tristan Medical Center.
Lease BrochureSale Brochure
20231025_Floorplans and elevations_399 Old Colony Road_Norton.pdf
Units for Lease
Price Per Sqft/Year: $20.00