57 59 Albert and 14 Crocker

57 59 Albert St Johnson City, NY 13790

57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790
57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790
Property Type:
MultiFamily Apartments
Last Verified:
Jan 06, 2025

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  • Excellent location.
  • Walking distance to UHS and the Pharmaceutical School.
  • Strong rental demand.
  • 14 Crocker all units renovated in the past 5 years.


Offered for sale is 3 buildings in very close proximity with 8 Units. This is an ideal location to benefit from a rapidly expanding Market. Over the past few years Johnson City has seen significant development. SUNY has opened a new Pharmaceutical School and is planning a Nursing School and Dentistry School. The United Health Services campus has dramatically increased their footprint in the area making the area a hub for Health care regionally. This has rapidly expanded the need for additional quality housing in the area. 57 59 Albert and 14 Crocker are walking distance to the new Campus and the expanded UHS complex making this an ideal location for students and or young professionals in the area. 14 Crocker is 4 Units. All units have been renovated in the past 5 years. Separate utilities. Coin op laundry. 57 and 59 Albert is 2 Buildings on the same tax parcel. 57 Albert is a single home and 59 Albert has 3 Units.

This is an ideal location to benefit from a rapidly expanding Market. Over the past few years Johnson City has seen significant development. SUNY has opened a new Pharmaceutical School and is planning a Nursing School and Dentistry School. The United Health Services campus has dramatically increased their footprint in the area making the area a hub for Health care regionally. This has rapidly expanded the need for additional quality housing in the area. 57 59 Albert and 14 Crocker are walking distance to the new Campus and the expanded UHS complex making this an ideal location for students and or young professionals in the area.

Year Built: 1920
Building Size: 6441sq ft
Building Class: C
Lot Size: 0.2 acres


SVN - OM/Proposal/BOV (P)

Map of 57 59 Albert St, Johnson City, NY, 13790

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