Auto Sales & Service/Repair Center for Sale

870 West Apache Trail Apache Junction, AZ 85119

Apache Junction
Property Type:
Big Box Retail
Last Verified:
Mar 25, 2025

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  • Traffic counts over 20,000
  • 400 FT frontage on Apache Trail
  • 110 car lot spaces
  • 18 covered spaces
  • Electric sign
  • Easy access from either direction


Turn Key Owner/User opportunity to step into an Auto Sales and Service center that has been the staple in Apache Junction for over 75 years!
3 buildings and 110 car display space's on 3.1 acres in the middle of the business district that keeps growing.
Equipment inlcuded in sale
some smaller inventory items included in sale
Car Inventory is not included in sale but can be purchased
Name, Business, and customer list are not for sale.

Located on Apache Trail a divided highway with many turn lanes and is the main throughfare through Apache junction connecting to both the Loop 202 and interstate 60 via the Old West Highway.
AJ ( Apache Junction) is home to the majestic Superstition Mountains. Residents and visitors alike enjoy the camping, fishing, and breathtaking hikes that Apache Junction offers, which is evidenced by the 100,000+ visitors AJ welcome's each month. Furthermore, our population nearly doubles throughout the winter months, as seasonal visitors enjoy our outdoor adventure and gorgeous weather. Apache Junction is also a desirable pit stop for recreation beyond city limits, with destinations like Tortilla Flat and Canyon Lake

Building Size: 13332sq ft
Lot Size: 3.1 acres

Map of 870 West Apache Trail, Apache Junction, AZ, 85119

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What are Real Estate Incentives?

Real Estate incentives range widely and have been overlooked by the Commercial Multiple Listing Services (MLS) for decades. Real estate incentives is a generic term used to group any number of programs, such as tax incentives, that are designated by an agency for a geographic area."

Why are Real Estate Incentives Important and to Whom?

"Incentives" are vital today and in the future because:

  • U.S. Public: Many incentives focus on job creation and Affordable Housing
  • Investors and Commercial Developers use incentives to reduce financial risk, obtain gap financing, etc. Investors and developers look for property listings with incentives available.
  • Commercial Real Estate Brokers, in mass, unfortunately do not know about incentives tied to their listings
  • Entire Supply Chain of Real Estate Development such as small and large companies who will provide goods and services to new and revitalized properties.