Lot 2AA. 7.99 Acres Commercial Development Land
0 Snow Hill Road
Salisbury, MD 21804
Property Type:
Other LandAmount:
Last Verified:
Dec 12, 2024Daily Email Blast
0 times
- 270 Yards of Frontage on Snow Hill Road (RT 12)
- Per MDOT, traffic light is to be installed in front of the property at Robins Avenue.
- Access from both Johnson Road & Rt. 12
- Public water and sewer
- Shared storm water management on-site
- Zoned General Commercial
- Already solid traffic counts will soon increase with a 220 unit multifamily project that is approved to be built just east of Marley Manor Manor and a Assisted Living/Retirement Community also a few hundred yards down Snow Hill Road from the subject property
- Rendering under the documents tab did not account for the +/- 1 acre along Snow Hill Road that was donated to the State for the deacceleration lane.
Highly Visible Commercial Development Opportunity
.25 miles from the intersection of College Avenue and Snow Hill Rd.
Lot Size: 7.99 acres
NEW - Brochure (P)Summersgate- MDOT Route 12 Traffic Signal Offsite Improvements Plan 231017.pdf
Other permitted uses under Light Industrial District
Concept Plan.pdf
Summersgate Site Plan- Lot 2AA 7.99 Acres.pdf Revised 5-28-2024
Summersgate- MDOT Route 12 Traffic Signal Donation Plat Final.pdf