Receiver's Sale: Absolute Auction
603 Quincy St
Hancock, MI 49930
Keen-Summit Capital Partners LLC has been retained by the Receiver of Finlandia University, Patrick O’Keefe and O’Keefe and Associates Consulting, LLC, to act as Receiver’s real estate advisor, in the sale of 5 real estate assets. The properties are being sold through an Absolute Auction and will be sold to the high bidder regardless of price, subject to Court approval. Bid Deadline: November 30, 2023 | Auction: December 7, 2023 Auction Website: Auction Properties: 1. Jutila Center: 200 Michigan, St, Hancock, MI: Multi-tenant condo building with 9 floors (4th floor not being sold), waterfront view, and adequate parking 2. Old Main: 603 Quincy St, Hancock, MI. Historic building last used as office space with a large meeting room and kitchen, previously a dormitory and classrooms; 8,835 sf sf. with adequate parking. 3. 3.96 acre lot 4. 1-acre lot 5. 1-acre lot 3% Broker Co-Op