For Sale - Investment Leased Property (Auto Dealer Buildings)
63300 Van Dyke
Washington, MI 48095
Property Type:
Other HospitalityAmount:
Last Verified:
Dec 10, 2024Daily Email Blast
0 times
- Ex Ford dealership relocated to a new facility at 30 Mile Road & Van Dyke
- Sale includes 3 buildings
- Property has 375+ feet of Van Dyke frontage
- Sale also includes 2 parcels of land, approximately 4.89 acres
- This popular and well-established regional site in Washington has been an incredibly successful location for Elder Ford with a solid reputation.
Property occupied by Auto Savvy of Detroit. Auto Savvy has 18 locations throughout the U.S. with great sales
Garage Service Fleets
Automobile Showroom(S)
Office Buildings
Located on the east side of Van Dyke, north of 29 Mile Road in Washington Township, Michigan. Population of 250,000+ within 10 mile radius of site.
Year Built: 1985
Building Size: 21154sq ft
Lot Size: 4.89 acres