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Properties by Graeme Carr

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Las Flores Rd, Hesperia, CA, 92345
Las Flores Rd, Hesperia, CA, 92345
HighlightsASKING: $325,000SIZE: ± 40 AcresAPN: 0397-052-14ZONING: Rural Residential Special Development (RR-SD)DescriptionSummit Valley Tapestry project Ranch property Beyond Excellent 40-acre development ...
Amount: $325,000
Ranchero Rd, Hesperia, CA, 92345
Ranchero Rd, Hesperia, CA, 92345
HighlightsASKING: $ 240,000SIZE: ± 23.247 AcresAPN: 0397-171-03ZONING: Rural Residential Special Development (RR-SD)DescriptionWith in 2 miles of the Tapestry project Excellent ...
Amount: $240,000