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Properties by Tripp Cunningham

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6505 N. Kelley Ave,, Oklahoma City, OK, 73111
6505 N. Kelley Ave,, Oklahoma City, OK, 73111
HighlightsGreat exposure230 feet of frontageUtilities in placeflat topographyCommercial zoningDescriptionThe property is for sale as an all-cash transaction.This property is just ...
Amount: $260,000
1900 NW 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, 73106
1900 NW 10th Street, Oklahoma City, OK, 73106
HighlightsEligible for Historic Tax CreditsLow-Income Tax Credits - LIHTCLocated in a QCTClose to Saint Anthony Hospital and Midtown OKCClose to ...
Amount: $1,000,000