Nancy Flicek

Title: Broker
Location: Bloomington, MN
Member since: Feb 02, 2018
Christianson & Company


Bloomington, MN
Phone Numbers:
(952) 992-0093
(952) 992-0093

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Brief Profile

We represent tenants, property owners/investors and developers to buy, sell and lease commercial real estate.

Full Profile

Nancy Flicek, a Senior Associate at Christianson & Company Commercial Real Estate Services, epitomizes integrity, energy, hard work and creative service in every detail of her clients real estate transaction. She has represented users of office and industrial space representing sellers, buyers, tenants and banks for over a decade. Nancys passion is working with clients in the area of Tenant Representation, utilizing her comprehensive knowledge to identify and analyze client needs and developing customized growth, relocation, and occupancy strategies. You would do well to have Nancy representing your interest, saving you time and money as well as making sure no critical mistakes are made during the process. Prior to joining Christianson & Company, Nancy was a project manager for a large framing contractor in the Twin Cities; negotiating multimillion dollar labor and material contracts for residential and commercial developments. She has proven to be an expert in the art of negotiation, which makes her a very qualified representative for any business owner. Nancy has sat on the Board of Directors for the MN Association of Realtors (MNAR) and acts as a liaison to the Minnesota Commercial Association of Realtors (MNCAR) for the past 3 years. She is well connected in the Real Estate industry and her knowledge of the market and leasing comes from years of learning the business from the ground up.

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