Rommie Mojahed

Title: Director of Retail Leasing & Sales Investments
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Member since: Sep 13, 2013
SVN | Desert Commercial Advisors


Phoenix, AZ
Phone Numbers:
(602) 702-4663
(480) 425-5534

My Markets

United States
Metro Areas:
Phoenix AZ, Tucson (Sierra Vista) AZ

Concentration Areas

1031 Exchange Expert, Acquisitions, Auction, Build-to-Suit, Development, Investment Sales, Leasing, Site Selection, Sublease, Tenant Representation, Training, Zoning
Property Types:
Multi Tenant Office, Big Box Retail, Convenience Center, Convenience Store, Gas Stations, Lifestyle Center, Mall, Neighborhood Center, Open Air Center, Outlet Center, Theme/Festival Center, Power Center, Regional Center, Super Regional Center, Restaurant, Single Tenant Retail (NNN), Mixed Use, Commercial Land Development, Padsites, Street Retail, Strip Center

Brief Profile

Specialties Sale - Retail Lease - Retail Lease - Tenant Representation

Full Profile

Rommie Mojahed , Director of Leasing/Sales Manager has experience in retail tenant representation, pre-leasing, leasing, and land research and acquisition for development opportunities. Rommie participates in the identification and contact of target tenants for retail developments, negotiation execution and works as a liaison between landlord and tenant. Rommie has extensive training and experience in customer service and public relations. Rommie has experience with trade area feasibility, market analysis and works with economic development staff on a national level to identify viable sites for tenants in regional and national expansion plans. Rommie represented Toby Keith I Love This Bar and Grill in local and national site selection and is involved with numerous tenants in regional and national expansion. Rommie attends many market update events such as the Urban Land Institute presentations and local community and regional market forecast programs. Rommie works with expansion strategies with local regional and national tenants and represents local landlords in marketing efforts targeted to attract viable tenants that fit with today’s market conditions.

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